I say this all of the time but I have the best job in the world. I get to document couples that are in love, on one of the most dynamic and energetic days of their lives and Michelle and Brian’s wedding was no exception. I couldn’t meet them beforehand but after talking to Michelle on the phone, I knew right away that she and her fiancé were going to be an awesome couple.

Michelle and Brian live in Austin, Texas but grew up in the Naperville, Illinois area. They wanted to have a wedding where all their relatives could attend, so what better place to have a wedding than in the town that you grew up in? I started off with Michelle and the girls at one of her relative’s house in Orland Park and I would have to say that their apartment complex was the most confusing network of roads that I have ever driven in. I always give myself a ton of extra time before a wedding just in case a place is hard to find for this exact reason. Walking in the door, I didn’t realize how large of a bridal party Michelle actually had.

Everyone was laughing and having a fun time in the kitchen while hitting the mimosas pretty hard, but it’s a wedding day! I always try to challenge myself at every wedding to do something a little different or to try a new technique, and for this wedding, I wanted to focus on getting a different ring shot. I ended up in the kitchen, I turned off all the lights and worked with the marble countertop, and I am pretty excited about how it turned out. Wherever I see a chance to improve any aspect of my photography, I definitely take it. Once I got there and finished photographing the details, the ladies got ready very quickly. We ended up doing a few photos at the house and I headed out early to meet the guys at Mary Queen of Heaven in Elmhurst.

The guys were pretty calm when I arrived and I sensed a bit of nervousness, but once I got to talking with Brian he definitely snapped out of it. When Michelle arrived and got ushered into the bridal room, they ended up exchanging notes which I wish couples did more of. It always provides beautiful reactions that no one could fake and their reactions were awesome!

After the notes, the ceremony started, it was a traditional mass which gave me plenty of time to try out different angles, as well as time to go up in the loft to get a full image of the church. After the ceremony, we did family photos right away and then headed outside to capitalize on the beautiful stone of the church itself. Everyone then jumped on the party bus and headed to downtown Elmhurst to get some images around the town that Brian and Michelle met.

We had nothing but time to explore Elmhurst and I was able to try out a few techniques that I have been dying to try. They were even patient enough to stand on the other side of the street while I tried to frame them in a window of a passing car, which resulted in one of my favorite photos ever!

We then headed to a forest preserve in Orland Park to get some quick photos with the full bridal party and to take advantage of the setting sun. We were only at the park for about 15 minutes and then we headed to The Riviera Country Club in Orland Park. All of the speeches were hilarious, and Michelle and Brian had a photo booth set up with a background that said, “I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.” I asked them about it, and they explained that there is a wall that said this in Texas, that they would visit quite a bit. After dancing for a while, I was able to sneak them outside for a few quick night photos and then it was time for me to leave. What an incredible day with one amazing couple!

wedding rings reflecting off of a mirrored surface

Mary Queen of Heaven church in the morning on a wedding day with a cloudless blue sky

a groom holding onto a note that his bride wrote him at a church

a father and his daughter walking into a church in black and white

a father walking his daughter down a church aisle as the bride smiles

a happy groom as the brides father walks her down the church aisle

a couple kneeling at a church alter as their friends and family watch

through a window of a church as a couple gets married at a church alter

a bride looking at her groom as he holds her hand at the church alter

a bride and groom laughing after they put on their rings

a wedding couple smiling as they look at each other at the alter of a church

the bride and groom experiencing their first kiss at the church alter in the warm light

moments after a first kiss the bride and groom smiling at each other at the church alter

a newly married couple walking down a church aisle after just getting married

a bride and groom exiting a church to bubbles and cheering wedding guests

a newly married couple exiting Mary Queen of Heaven church to bubbles

a bride and groom touching noses with the veil coming towards the camera

a good looking couple walking down the city streets of Elmhurst

a wedding couple dancing in downtown Elmhurst in front of a brick building

bride and groom hugging through a car window in Elmhurst

a bride and groom snuggling up in each others arms in the woods

a bride and groom laughing as they look into each others eyes in the woods in the fall

the setting sun with a bride and groom looking off into the distance

a man hugging his wife from behind as she looks back and smiles in the fall

newlyweds sneaking a kiss in a gazebo at night in black and white

a man and a woman kissing with their shadow on a white fence in the background

a man and a woman dancing with blue and pink lights in the background

a woman pointing to the bride on a packed dance floor as everyone laughs

a group of wedding guests dancing at a wedding reception as they laugh

a couple at a wedding reception messing around on the dance floor

a groom getting low on a dance floor as everyone else dances

a groom winding up to throw a garter in front of a group of guys getting ready to catch it

three men fighting over the garter during a wedding reception as everyone laughs

a couple kissing at night in front of sparklers in black and white


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